Tad Hozumi
coming soon
I was looking for Tad's soccer paintings in honor of World Cup, since it is the only sport thing that conjures a warm fuzzy feeling for me. Something about many countries, one simple problem, quick recovery from loss, united rooting, and rooting for a country not one's own that does it. Instead I found a more recent work that, far from sport, radiates warmth in itself.
Thinking about meditation or yoga, it's not uncommon for one to hold an idea or person in mind, essentially sending healing energy to it. Thinking About Someone Special Who Lost Someone Special While Listening to Dolly Parton operates similarly, I would imagine, and does so in two ways. First, the consideration that thinking about someone special can help said person heal*. Second, music as a tool to conjure up a certain feeling, and music as a therapy**.
* There have been studies on this. I'll prove it in a forthcoming entry.
** There are studies on this too, but most people have experienced it firsthand.