Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Words and Years

Toril Johannessen

Norwegian artist Toril Johannessen graphs the frequency of opposing words in academic journals. Underlying the work is an original dichotomy: drama and objectivity. I like Edward Tufte, but the beauty in Johannessen's series lives not only in presentation, but in the inquiry as well. Miracles, crisis, nature, Science, art, logic and love, hope and reality, expansion and recession... these meander my thoughts, but infrequently result in a calm, cool, and collected picture. Johannessen harmonizes the discord. See the series here.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Jenny Walters

Temporary Allegiance, a project on the UIC campus by artist Philip von Zweck, was your ordinary flagpole, but with an ever-changing repertoire of wavering commitment. Just as much it was a democratic means for several people to wave their veritable allegiances. LA-based artist Jenny Walters made my fave.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Robert Wechsler

As the mouse tirelessly runs, the music box plays Brahm's Lullaby.